名古屋市, 日本
Nagoya, Japan
January 18th 2023

Nagoya, the fourth largest city in Japan, has a reputation for being boring. So much so, that one of the few tourist companies here is named "Nagoya is Not Boring". I wanted to break that stereotype during a day trip there today, but, in all honesty, maybe they weren't lying. It is almost spectacular how un-spectacular Nagoya is to me. Seeming to land somewhere between the exciting categories of over-the-top metropolis and quaint traditional town, it is a medium sized hulk lined with uninspired business skyscrapers, relatively quiet streets, and dull branded shops kept underground. A crafts fair and a flee market where I picked up an old Nikon film camera for £6 did add some flavour though.
I will come back and try again though, I'm sure it is hiding some strangeness somewhere in that labyrinth.

I also bought a crab from a gachapon machine, and of course there were display areas to take photos of your prize. Ahhhh, Japan.