瑞芳區, 中華民國
Ruifang District, Taiwan
February 24nd 2023
There is a town, with lots of stray cats. Okay maybe that's not specific enough. There is a town in Asia, with lots of stray cats. Not specific enough again, okay. There is a town in Taiwan, with lots of stray cats. Houtong 'cat village' is it's name, and the story is the same as all the other stray cat towns. People lived there, then they left, and they then left their cats there. And the cats grew, in strength and arms, until boom, modern tourism decided it loves stray cats. Another boom, and cat-tourism is birthed, and soon outpaces the welfare of the cats it is meant to represent. A third and final boom, and the global pandemic closes most of the businesses, straying the people and the stray cats. So now here I am, on a rainy day alone in Houtong cat village, taking photos of stray cats with one hand while holding onto my umbrella with the other.