Jan 17, 2023

Balkans to Japan

犬山市, 日本

Inuyama, Japan

January 17th 2023

"Don't touch me when I'm here"

There are very few contenders out there for two countries at the opposite ends of the cultural spectrun than Bulgaria and Japan. Yet, after a 22 hour journey, I have found myself swapping public urination for toilets that talk to me, shouting indifference for head bowing and constant apologies, and the "some meat" speciality of Balkan food for noodles and soy. It will take some time for me to re-wire for brain.

For the next two weeks I am staying in Inuyama, a small town within the metropolitan spider's web of Nagoya, the fourth largest city in Japan. Nagoya is semi-famous for being the boring city in Japan, and so far that label doesn't seem totally unfair. However, when you are in somewhere as different from your own European world as Japan, a simple walk around neighbourhood streets and shopping malls is more than enough siteseeing.